Saturday, January 30, 2016

New Signage at Goodwin's Garage in Austin

Walter Goodwin Jr., has recently installed new signage to the front of his Keystone garage located on Main Street in Austin, Pennsylvania.



This additional investment in his business by Mr. Goodwin compliments the efforts of Big Mike and Perry's Enterprises in improving the appearance of our Main Street.

Chinese Educators Coming to AASD

  Pictures taken of the Austin Area School District, Austin, Pennsylvania during recent Flag Changing Ceremony. Members of the VFW Post 7810 also attended the ceremony.

An article appearing in yesterday's Bradford Era newspaper entitled "Austin STEM program to host training for teachers from China", written by Amber Turba, which can be read online by clicking HERE, touts the STEM program here at the Austin Area School District, Austin, Pennsylvania.

Hard to imagine, but teachers from China are coming to the smallest public school in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to learn about our STEM program. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Ms. Turba has written an excellent article on our program and provides a number of informative quotes from Mr. Jerry Sasala, the superintendent of our school.

If you haven't visited the Austin Area School District website lately, you should do so as the homepage contains a nice slideshow picturing school activities and some projects.  You can goto their website by clicking HERE.
Note: This week's Potter Leader-Enterprise, Wednesday, January 27th, and the January 30 - February 5th Endeavor News have articles on the Chinese teachers visiting AASD and other articles of interest to the citizens of Austin, Pennsylvania. Recommend you buy a copy of each.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Winter Arrives in Austin, Pennsylvania

After a handful of futile attempts the past two weeks, winter has finally arrived in Austin, Pennsylvania.

The pictures below were taken from the front and back porch of my residence at 167 Rugaber Street/Route 872:

1971: The Yearbook Makes a Comeback at Austin High

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Community Service Recognition: Nancy Glover

Nancy Glover

 Nancy Glover is THE classic example of the old adage "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it".

Nancy is an ACTIVE MEMBER of the following organizations:

  • VFW Post 7810 Auxiliary Austin
  • VFW District 15
  • Allegwei (DAR) Coudersport 
  • United Methodist Church Austin
  • E.O. Austin Home/Historical Society 

Nancy serves as the VFW Post 7810 Auxiliary Treasurer, District 15 Trustee and on their Community Service Committee and as the Secretary of the Allegwei Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).

Nancy marching down Main Street, Austin, Pennsylvania

She is a member of the United Methodist Church of Austin and a member of it's choir and Women's Bible Study Group.

                                     Nancy participating in the Annual Memorial Day Ceremonies.

VFW Fundraiser

Working at the Annual UMC Thanksgiving Day Dinner

Since this article was originally posted, Nancy has become a Board of Director of the Austin Area School District.

2015 Austin Review

Austin began the year without a financial institution for the first time since 1969 as Northwest Savings Bank closed their Austin Branch on Turner Street, at the end of 2014.
  • Refer to article titled: Dateline: May 21, 1969, Austin Sells Lot on Turner Street to FNB Coudersport for $1.00 by clicking HERE.
FEBRUARY:  Austin Borough Council Accepts NWSB Agreement.
  • See: Borough Council Accepts Northwest Savings Bank Agreement by clicking HERE.
  • See: Donation check Returned to Northwest Savings Bank by clicking HERE.
  • See: Gift Horse or Trojan Horse by clicking HERE.
  • See: Potter Leader-Enterprise article on NWSB "Gift" to Austin by clicking HERE.
MARCH: Perry Enterprises moves to Main Street.
  • Read article by clicking HERE
MAY: The Austin Area School District Project Based Learning projects are unveiled:
  • See: Interpretive Trails Project by clicking HERE.
  • See: Austin Dam Mural by clicking HERE.
  • See: Picnic Tabletop Display by clicking HERE.
Three (3) Austin Servicemen who were Killed-in-Action honored with Bridge Dedications. Read the article by clicking HERE.

AUGUST:  Perry Enterprises puts a fresh coat of paint on the former Gaelotti's Restaurant Building. See before and after pictures by clicking HERE

SEPTEMBER: The 6th Annual Duffee 5K Memorial Run was held during the Austin History and Pride Weekend to fund the Gerald F. Duffee Sr. Scholarship Fund. The run raised over $3000. See the Endeavor newspaper article titled: The Duffee 5K: running for a cause by clicking HERE.

OCTOBER:  AASD student creates a logo for the Community of Austin.

  • See: AASD Student Creates Community Logo by clicking HERE
  • See: Austin has  Logo by clicking HERE
Major road improvement to Austin Dam Ruins.  See article by clicking HERE

DECEMBER:  Gloria "Tootsie" Stuckey Wins Potter County Volunteer of the Year Award. See article by clicking HERE.  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Unseasonably Warm Temperatures December 2015

Past Observations Summary Report -  °F | °C 
Based on raw METAR data from (KBFD)
Date/TimeHigh TemperatureLow TemperaturePrecipitation*
16 December 2015
15 December 2015
14 December 2015
13 December 2015
12 December 2015
11 December 2015
10 December 2015
9 December 2015
8 December 2015
7 December 2015
6 December 2015
5 December 2015
4 December 2015
3 December 2015
* Precipitation will be "Yes", if at any point during the day there was rain, snow, or a mix.

A few years ago I read an article which stated by the end of the century Pennsylvania's weather would be the same as Alabama's is today.

The forecast for Christmas Day is in the 50's.

How can anyone deny climate warming?

Below is a picture of the lot next to my home at 165 Rugaber Street.

And in direct sun light the temperature read: