Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day, Austin, Pennsylvania, May 25, 2015

Pastor Steven Small, Don Lathrop, Jimmy Setzer

Don Lathrop, VFW Commander

Mayor Jimmy Setzer, Mike Fowler, and Kerry Ehrensberger

Herb Watson, Joe Thom, William House, Mike Tumas, and Brad Green

Don Lathrop, Pastor Small, Jimmy Setzer, Mike Fowler and Kerry Ehrensberger

Clark Learch WWII Veteran on the porch and Jim Hooftallen Vietnam Veteran in the red shirt

Jim Hooftallen, Vietnam Veteran

Mayor Jimmy Setzer at the podium with VFW Commander Don Lathrop behind

Mike Fowler, Vietnam Veteran

Kerry Ehrensberger

Don Lathrop and Kerry Ehrensberger

Ladies Auxiliary Commander Barbara Visneski

Jim Mcguire Vietnam Veteran, Bart Greeley WWII Veteran and Arlene Greeley,

Friday, May 22, 2015


School Path Park Bench Patrons

Back on April 29th, I wrote about two (2) very nice park benches being placed on the School Path here in Austin, Pennsylvania.

Now I can tell you who those patrons are:

Note: The Project Based Learning Students for the Interpretive Trails Project are:

  1. Nicole Smith
  2. Madison Hooftallen
  3. Tim Purdy
  4. Dakota Stuckey
  5. Austin Sypien
  6. Justin Miller
  7. Wyatt Fuller
The Teacher/Supervisors for this project are:
  1. Mr. Kinney
  2. Mr. Bailey
  3. Mr. Easton
  4. Ms.McNeeley

Your support of this project and our community is very much appreciated.

Thursday, May 14, 2015