"The Austin Pride Committee is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization based in Austin, Pennsylvania within Potter County. The main focus of our organization is to aid in community revitalization and to continue to instill and nourish a sense of pride within our residents and our town. We actively fundraise and partner with like-minded organizations to be able to lead initiatives such as an annual Independence Day firework display, community service and awareness scholarships, volunteer community cleanup days, community festivals, and the like. This year, we have initiated a town lighting project for the upcoming holiday season. Individual fundraising efforts, combined with personal donations, County grant support, local Borough partnership, and a pile of volunteered work hours have enabled us to be successful." - Potter Leader-Enterprise, November 8, 2018
left to right, middle/back row
Lexi Nichols Madison Hooftallen, Terry Hooftallen, Rhoda Hooftallen, Becky Pennypacker, Joe Pennypacker, Ruth Flory, Kerry Ehrensberger, Brooke Shupe, Tony Nichols, Jeanette Nichols, Keaton Shupe
front row left to right
Shaylynn Nichols, Dawson Hooftallen, Blair Shupe and Carson Cooney
The Austin Pride Committee spearheaded the purchase of Christmas decorations for Main Street, obtaining financial assistance from the Austin Borough Council. The Austin Borough Employees installed the Christmas decorations.
The Rigas family donated the trees for individuals, businesses and organizations to decorate.
🎄Students in PreK-2 decorated Christmas trees to display at the school for the Pride Committee. The students made all edible decorations for the birds (and chickens) to enjoy.
🎄🎅🏻Don’t forget that the Town Lighting and Cookies with Santa that is being sponsored by the Austin Pride Committee is tomorrow (Nov. 25th) @ 6 PM! Hope to see everyone there!🎅🏻🎄